Table 2. Comparison of reproductive outcomes from fresh and frozen-thawed embryo transfers, according to embryo
development stage.
Outcomes Cleavage (%) Blastocyst (%) p value a OR 95% CI
Fresh ET          
Implantation 22 47 0.0005 0.3209 0.1712- 0.6018
Clinical pregnancy 34 64 0.0057 0.2918 0.1231- 0.6918
Ongoing pregnancy 30 61 0.0046 0.2730 0.1150- 0.6482
Live births 28 55 0.0154 0.3268 0.1385- 0.7712
Frozen-thawed ET          
Implantation 27 39 NS 0.5691 0.2991- 1.083
Clinical pregnancy 43 53 NS 0.66 0.2855- 1.526
Ongoing pregnancy 36 45 NS 0.6878 0.2928 - 1.616
Live births 36 40 NS 0.8187 0.3467- 1.933
Outcomes presented: Implantation: the ratio of the number of fetal hearts to the number of embryos transferred; Clinical
pregnancy: an ultrasound confirmed fetal heart after the 6th gestational week; Ongoing pregnancy: pregnancy continued
after the 14th gestational weekET = embryo transfer; NS = not significant; OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval
aStatistical analysis performed by unpaired t-test or Mann-Whitney test or Fisher’s exact test