Table 1. Comparison between progressive motility and total motile sperm count before cryopreservation and after thawing
in 589 semen samples from 543 patients with testicular cancer.
  BeforeCryopreservation AfterThawing Reduction(%) p value
Progressive motility* (%) 40.6 ± 19.8 25.7 ± 17.2 37% < 0.00001‡
Total Motile Sperm Count † (Millions/mL) 12 (0-412.2) 7 (0-303.9) 32% < 0.00001§
* Media ± SD, Student t test for comparison before and after
† Median (ranges), Mann Whitney u test for comparison before and after
p < 0.00001 (95% CI 12.82-16.98)
§ p < 0.00001 (95% CI 5.48-14.91)