Table 2. Controlled ovarian stimulation, proportion of developed follicles and oocytes recovered according to patients' BMI
  Normal Overweight Obese P
Antral follicles number 11.6±5.4 12.5±5.5 12.2±5.7 0.50
Days of ovarian stimulation 7.5±1.4 7.6±1.1 7.8±1.3 0.56
Gonadotropin dose used (IU) 2043±489 1940±536 2109±605 0.66
Maximum estradiol value (pg/ml) 1560±610 1511±635 1190±466 0.02
Developed/antral follicles 81% 76% 70% <0.0001
Recovered oocytes/developed follicles 91% 90% 84% 0.0017
mature/recovered oocytes 82% 82% 77% 0.26
Data expressed as mean ± standard deviation, or as percentages.
Kruskal-Wallis test or Chi-square test - statistically significant if P<0.05.