Authors I. Noci , M. N. Milanini, M. Ruggiero, F. Papini, B. Fuzzi, P. G. Artini
Journal Online Reproductive Biochemistry
Year of publication 2011
Country Italy
Period From May, 2008 to December, 2008
Study Designer Prospective randomized study
Randomization Not described
Inclusion criteria Women aged <40 years without congenital or acquired thrombophilic state, absence of endocrine, hematologic abnormalities, chronic diseases, uterine pathology interfering with embryonic implantation.
Exclusion criteria Women with endocrine, hematologic abnormalities, chronic diseases, uterine pathology, congenital or acquired thrombophilia.
Participant demographic data Women with an average age of 31.1 to 38.3 years.
Types of interventions Treatment group: In the luteal phase they received support with vaginal progesterone (Prometrium, 200mg twice daily) and a prophylactic dose of dalteparin sodium (Fragmin, 2500 IU s.c. daily; Pfizer Italy, Latina, Italy) in the afternoon of the day of recovery from oocytes until the day of the pregnancy test. Control group: luteal phase support was initiated with vaginal progesterone (Prometrium 200 mg twice daily; Rottapharm, Milan, Italy) from the following day oocyte recovery to the day of pregnancy testing (12 days after embryo transfer).
Results measures Primary result: live birth rate. Secondary results: implantation rate and clinical pregnancy rate.
Results Prophylactic LMWH administration to non-thrombophilic non-women who have undergone their first IVF cycle could increase the live birth rate, implantation rate, and clinical pregnancy rate. However, these changes are not significant and require a larger multicenter study.