Authors B. Berker, S. Taskın, K. Kahraman, E. A. Taskın, C. Atabekoglu, M. Sonmezer
Journal Fertility and Sterility
Year of publication 2011
Country Turkey
Period From June 2007 to October 2009.
Study Designer Prospective, quasi-randomized controlled trial.
Randomization Quasi-randomization
Inclusion criteria Women with recurrent implantation insufficiency (RIF) but no coagulation disorders and who had previously had at least two consecutive failed cycles of intracytoplasmic sperm injection and embryo transfer (ICSI-ET), which we defined as RIF.
Exclusion criteria Women with coagulation disorders, conditions requiring anticoagulant treatment, hydrosalpinx, lesions that distort the uterine cavity such as polyps or fibroids, lack of a grade I or II embryo for transfer, or without available sperm or oocyte.
Participant demographic data Women with an average age between 26.4 and 36.2 years and with an average of 1.7 to 3.7 previously failed cycles.
Types of interventions Study group: LMWH (sodium enoxaparin, Clexane, 4000 anti-Xa IU (40mg)/0.4 mL; Aventis Intercontinental, Paris, France) administered at a standard dose of 40 mg/0.4 mL per day from the day of the oocyte recovery. Patients self-administered LMWH subcutaneously and continued until 12 weeks of pregnancy if the pregnancy test 12 to 14 days after ET was positive.
Results measures Primary result: live birth rate. Secondary results: implantation rate and clinical pregnancy rate.
Results The results showed no beneficial effect of LMWH on pregnancy outcomes in patients with two or more implantation failures and no coagulation disorders. Pregnancy results were better in the LMWH subgroup of patients with three and more implantation failures, but were not statistically significant. The use of LMWH should be limited to the research objectives until its beneficial effects have been proven by studies.