Table 2. Ovarian stimulation outcomes (values expressed by mean ± SD)
Outcome rFSH (n=85) hMG (n=83) p-value
Total gonadotropin dose (IU) 3033±663.50 2976±628.4 0.58
Follicles 13-14 mm 0.99±0.99 1.01±1.0 0.92
Follicles 15-16 mm 3.45±3.0 3.62±3.3 0.73
Follicles ≥17mm 5.24±3.4 4.76±3.0 0.35
Number of metaphase II 6.12±3.1 5.35±2.5 0.08
Number of embryos 4.17±3.1 3.26±2.4 0.04
Total embryo score 214.01±162.4 170.43±176.6 0.13
Best embryo score 77.33±34.0 65.07±33.2 0.03
Clinical pregnancy/randomized patient 27/85 (31.7%) 25/83 (30.1%) 0.87